Offer To Buy Or Sell Resources
For the best experience in our game, we have released the ingame market for users to buy or sell their resource.
If you are the new member of our game, you may follow steps by steps below:
Step 1: Go to the link: and log in to the game
Step 2: Click to “Resources Market”.
Step 3: Click to "MY OFFER" and choose BUY/SELL button in the up screen.
Step 4: Click to "Create Offer" in the top right corner.
Step 5: Input information of your offer
Note: The ratio of your offer will be auto matched with resources/XPS.
You need to have enough resources to create an offer if not you will be received an alert about your balance.
Step 6: Click "Create" and sign transaction
Note: After create offer done, you can check your offer in "MY OFFER"
You can cacel your offer by clicking to the "Cancel" button in the right panel.
You can check your offer sold in "HISTORY", but note that it will only be shown 100 transactions at the latest.
Last updated